The Benefits of Sole Water

 When people think of minerals they typically think of what are called Macro minerals, or major minerals. These minerals include Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Chloride, Sulfur and Calcium which are stored for use by the body in larger quantities. In this article, we’ll primarily be discussing the lesser known trace...

Vegan Savior

Being a vegan can be a wonderful wonderful thing, but it can also be difficult—not for your health but for your stomach. Eating vegan can be difficult, especially if you are on a tight budget. I would often eat as much as I could and still be hungry. It was...

Oil Pulling Benefits

        Want whiter, healthier teeth? Let me rephrase this: you NEED healthy white teeth.  White, healthy teeth not only look fantastic and very inviting; they are also healthy. In these modern times, The world believes that to have beautiful, healthy white teeth, we need to pay an...

Reasons to go vegan

The end of 2020 is approaching, and you know what you want. You want to go Vegan. First, let me explain to you what a vegan is. To some, this is obvious but being a vegan is different from being a vegetarian. A vegan is a person that does not...

Chlorine Water

This is a controversial topic I bring to all of you today. It's not about a nutritional product per se, but it's very important to one's health. It has to do with how most water has chlorine and how bad it is for you. Chlorine is an intense chemical. It...

Harmful dietary supplements part 2

   Harmful Dietary Supplements Part 2   In part 2 we are going to discuss additional, harmfulingredients found in your supplements. We are going to pick up rightwhere we left off. If you want to get up to date read, Harmful Dietary SupplementsPart 1 first. Read and be alert. These supplements...

Harmful Dietary supplements

Harmful Dietary Supplements     Are you aware that your supplements most likely contain harmful ingredients? This is a problem many people are facing today. With increasingly poor nutrition, we rely on a supplement to fill in those gaps more than ever. So what happens when the brand you trust is...

Vitamins and Minerals vegans need

  vitamins and minerals vegans need Becoming a vegan might be the best decision that you could make in 2020. It could also be the worst decision of your life—if you do not pay attention to those sneaky nutritional deficiencies that can occur on a vegan diet. You may want...

Zinc Overdose

Zinc Overdose. A Cautionary tale  The story you are about to read involves a terrible accident. I'm sharing this story with you, so you do not make the same mistake. This happened back in the day when I knew plenty about supplements, but I thought that dosages were for the weak....

Proper Vitamin and Mineral dosages

  Proper Vitamin and Mineral dosages  Everyone is different when it comes to vitamin and mineral dosages. It depends on many different characteristics like age, size, diet, and nutritional deficiencies. Those on diets or not getting enough vitamins and minerals from their meals, this article will be most beneficial to...

Why I started Blogging

Hello, my name is Edric Wilson. I have come to save your life (well, not really, but from many other things), I have a passion for helping people find their health and happiness. I will tell you right now how and why this passion all started. I will humbly admit...